[pmacct-discussion] networks_file and nfacctd and mySQL - how to get the labels populated?
LINS Wolfgang
2018-11-19 08:14:36 UTC

The reconfigure of pmacct with "--enable-plabel" and then make / make install apparently did not update the binaries.
So I was working with a build that did not have IP prefix labels enabled.
Did a fresh (clean) build now, and got an update /usr/local/sbin/nfacctd now...

This time the network_file does something - it replaces the ip_src and ip_dst fields with the labels below. Fine!
tag, tag2, label are still 0,0,'' - and I understand that these fields are for a different purpose.

Best regards, Wolfgang

From: LINS Wolfgang
Sent: Sonntag, 18. November 2018 23:17
To: 'pmacct-***@pmacct.net' <pmacct-***@pmacct.net>
Subject: networks_file and nfacctd and mySQL - how to get the labels populated?

Dear pmacct community,

I try to use the networks_file to match well-known IP subnets with subnet names via the networks_file.
I had hoped that this would help to identify "belonging" subnetworks, however to me it looks like the matches do not really make much...
I can see that src_mask and dst_mask aggregators in a way match (the sql columns mask_src and mask_dst are filled with e.g. 21)

My networks file is minimal:

! <Network>'/'<numeric mask> examples
! <label>','<Network>'/'<numeric mask> examples

I got a global network_file statement plus another one (same file) for the mysql plugin.

When I write tag, tag2 and label to the SQL I always only get 0,0,"" in there...

How should that work?

(btw: :I have built pmacct with the --enable-plabel flag now, did not change anything)

What directives / aggregators would I need to see the network file matches?
Best regards

